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Trinity's weekly chapel services are on Wednesdays at 8:30 a.m.  (Central), WATCH LIVE on Facebook @TrinityLombard or view the videos posted on this page. Chapel is led by a rotation of Pastor Wagner, Principal Terrell, Trinity's teachers, and specials guests who share chapel talks and messages. Piano accompaniment and singing is led by Miss Rose, Mrs. Scott leads sign language songs, and the 7th and 8th grade students operate the livestream camera. Thanks to all who help make Trinity chapel services possible - and Solo Deo Gloria (Glory to God alone)!​​

During the seasons of Advent and Lent, Trinity Lutheran School's chapel services are replaced by student attendance at midweek church services.

2023-2024                                                      click here for 2022-2023 chapel services


Rev. Steve Wagner


Pastor Wagner reminded us to keep Jesus with us this summer - as Jesus keep us with Him, from John 3:14-17.



Mrs. Rachel LaMontagna


Mrs. LaMontagna shared with us the importance of knowing we can always talk to Jesus in prayer from John 17:11, 15. 



Mrs. Debra Scott


Mrs. Scott shared the Bible account of Jesus’ Ascension and talked about Jesus’ power, plan, and promise from Matthew 28:16-20.



Rev. Steve Wagner


Pastor Wagner reminded us that God wants us to love one another, as Jesus loves each of us, from John 15:9-17.



Mr. James Baerenklau


Mr. B shared how we learn about God's Word but reading and studying it - then we tell others, from Joshua 1:8, 2 Timothy 3:14-17, and John 8:32.



Rev. Steve Wagner


Pastor Wagner shared that Easter is the reason that as children of God, we are confident in God's promises, from 1 John 3:1-7. 



Mrs. Cindy Allor


Mrs. Allor shared how we are all connected, like links in a chain by God's Word, to Jesus, Adam, Moses and the prophets, and our Lutheran Schools, from Luke 24:36-49. 



Mrs. Lois Stewart


Mrs. Stewart shared how we are Easter people, Joyfully Connected, through Christ and the Gospel, from John 20:11-18. 



Mrs. Deb Scott


Mrs. Scott led the children in a special Grandparents' Day service, with Trinity grandparent, Rev. David Zimmer, from Luke 15:1-8.



Mr. James Baerenklau


Mr. B related the Biblical account of the rich young man who, like us, could not keep the commandments perfectly, from Matthew 19:16-24.



Mr. James Baerenklau, Mr. Steve Zielke


Mr. Steve Zielke shared how Phil's Friends brings hope to people with cancer and Mr. B let us in liturgy, as we learned about love through action from 1 John 3:18.



Mrs. Cindy Allor


Mrs. Allor led us in singing praise to the Lord as directed in Colossians 3:16 and Psalm 150.



Mr. James Baerenklau, Mrs. Julia Heinz


Mrs. Heinz shared how Redeeming Life Outreach Ministries helps expectant moms without a place to live and Mr. B told us what God says about true giving, from Matthew 6:1-4.



Mrs. Lois Stewart


Mrs. Stewart shared about our connections as we tell others about Jesus, who takes away our sin, from John 1:43-51.



Rev. Steve Wagner


Pastor Wagner reminded us how special the birth of Jesus was on the first Christmas, from Matthew 1:18-25.



Rev. Steve Wagner


Pastor Wagner shared how a big part of loving God is loving and helping one another, from Matthew 25:31-46.



Mrs. Lori Boyer & Walther Christian Minstrels


The Minstrels shared God's promises from Matthew 5:43-48, Matthew 19:25-26, and Psalm 139:14.



Mrs. Lois Stewart


Mrs. Stewart shared our connection with the saints in heaven, from Revelation 7:9-17.



Mr. James Baerenklau


Mr. B shared with us how the Bible tells us we will be in heaven with the saints before us - in God's paradise! From Revelation 7:9-17.



Miss Beth Kraegel


Miss Kraegel helped us understand that we bear fruit for the kingdom of God when we serve others, with scripture from John 15:5,7-8.



Mr. James Baerenklau, Mr. Joe Boway


Mr. Baerenklau shared with us the importance of serving each other to serve God, and Missionary Boway talked about the ministry of Lutheran schools in Liberia, with scriptures from Matthew 25:31-46, John 8:32.



Rev. Steve Wagner


Pastor Wagner reminded us of God's grace in welcoming us into eternal life in heaven, from Matthew 20:1-16.



Principal Ginny Terrell


Mrs. Terrell shared the importance of forgiving others, as God forgives us from Genesis 50:15-21 and Matthew 18:21-35.



Mr. James Baerenklau


Mr. Baerenklau shared how Jesus the Good Shepherd seeks His lost sheep (us), from Matthew 18:1-20.



Principal Ginny Terrell


Mrs. Terrell shared how our salvation is built by God, from Matthew 16:21-28.



Principal Ginny Terrell


Mrs. Terrell shared Peter's confession of Christ and the relevance that has for us, from Matthew 16:13-20.



Mrs. Lois Stewart


Mrs. Stewart reminded us that we are connected through faith to Jesus - He is the Vine and we are the branches, and that faith is for everybody, from Matthew 15:21-28.



Rev. Steve Wagner


Pastor Wagner opened the school year with a reminder that Jesus is with us through all of life's challenges, from Matthew 14:22-23.

Mrs. Lois Stewart


Mrs. Stewart shared how John introduced Jesus as the "Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world," he taught us how to tell others about our Savior and teacher, from John 1:29-43. 

Miss Beth Kraegel


Miss Kraegel shared the miracle of Jesus feeding 5,000 with a boys lunch, and shared how Jesus continues to turn our humble offerings into miracles that serve people in Liberia, Chicago, a maternity home, and now the Ukraine, from John 6:1-15.

Mr. James Baerenklau


Mr. B introduced us to the conflict between doubt and faith, and how God brought about belief in Thomas who doubted, from John 20:24-29.

Deaconess Lori Trinche


Deaconess Trinche shared how we are each special, made in God's image, and how all mother's and babies are too. She shared about the Gift of redeeming life we have in Jesus, from Genesis 1:27, John 14:1, Psalm 139:14, Ephesians 2:10, and Luke 6:21

Principal Julie Messina


Principal Messina introduced us taught us about the disciple Nathanael, known as Bartholomew, destined to call Jesus the Son of God, from John 1:43-51.

Mr. James Baerenklau


Mr. Baerenklau taught us about the disciple Philip, and let us know that we, like Philip, are called by Jesus to call others to Him, from John 1:43-51.

Missionary Joe Boway


Joe remined us of the importance of the Reformation and its revelation the Jesus is the only way to heaven, from Romans 1:17 and John 8:31-32.

Rev. Pete Imlah


Pastor Imlah showed us what lengths Jesus' followers were willing to go to in order to bring others to the Messiah, from Mark 2:1-12.

Rev. Steve Wagner


Pastor Wagner reminded us that money and material blessings are gifts from God that we use to bless others, from Amos 6:1-7.

Mr. James Baerenklau


Mr. Baerenklau taught us about God's love and John, the "disciple who Jesus loved," from 1 John 3 and 4.

Mr. James Baerenklau


Mr. Baerenklau taught us about brothers James and John, the "sons of thunder," and their desire to sit at Jesus' side, from Matthew 20.

Principal Julie Messina


Mrs. Messina introduced us to another of Jesus' disciples, Andrew, the brother of Simon Peter, from Matthew 10 and John 1.

Principal Julie Messina


Mrs. Messina introduced us to Jesus' disciples, the fishers of men. Today we focused on Peter, from Matthew 10.

Mr. James Baerenklau


Mr. B. shared how God is Lord of all nations, and that we can tell the world about Jesus, finding inspiration in Isaiah 66:18-21.

Rev. Steve Wagner


Pastor Wagner opens the 2022-2023 school year with a reminder from Proverbs 9 that Jesus loves us, helps us, and wants to forgive us.

Copyright Trinity Lutheran Church and School 2024

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